Practice Areas

  • My services are sector-neutral, with particular expertise in these areas:
  • Practice areas in Strategy consulting - Ryan Samaroo
  • Government & Public Sector

    My work has focused, in one way or another, on helping government departments play a form of “Moneyball” with socioeconomic data. I have experience navigating the machinery of government, and also that of their implementation partners and contractors, particularly social services departments. This includes knowledge of the legislative and regulatory environments that constrain their activities, their law-making and policy-making processes, administrative machinery, and procurement cycles. Most importantly, I have a deep knowledge of inherited organizational challenges such as technical debt, manumation, and the phenomenon of “escalation of commitment,” so am well placed to diagnose both particular problems and systematic ones.

  • Financial Services

    Much of my work is at the intersection of financial services, data management, and digital transformation. The pandemic accelerated changes already well underway in global banking, requiring that financial services providers be flexible, nimble, and innovative in their strategies to meet clients’ rapidly changing needs and preferences. Clients, both individual and commercial, are acquired and served remotely via digital channels, and expect levels of service and security that surpass those of traditional banking. A mixture of good data management and advanced analytics is needed to understand clients better, tailor offerings, and manage risks. Furthermore, modern analytics offers good prospects for increasing financial inclusion and sustainability through the measurement of financial health and well-being. Looking towards the future, there are obvious opportunities for using open data to support a more open banking model.

  • Startups

    My work has taken me into various parts of the technology sector, especially GovTech, FinTech, and FinHealthTech. As of recently, I am looking to support ventures in CleanTech – of our time and a matter of urgency. I look to these fertile sectors and their reshaping of established value chains and business models for inspiration. I look for opportunities to bring relevant innovations into my engagements with clients, partners, and stakeholders. I have worked with entrepreneurs who are starting up or scaling up, providing advice on pitch decks, market positioning, and business model design. And though I have long departed the world of research, I bring to this work a mixture of scientific and commercial acumen, taking the perspective of the innovator and that of an investor.